Jackie Allen, MA, LMFT


M.A. Clinical Psychology :: Antioch University Los Angeles

B.A. Individualized Studies (The Psychology of Creativity) :: NYU Gallatin


I’m Jackie, a licensed therapist turned tarot reader based in California and online. My practice focuses on the intersection of psychology and metaphysics. In my therapeutic tarot sessions, I utilize a blend of Jungian depth work, elements adapted from various theories of psychotherapy, and tarot to help my clients build a bridge to their unconscious. Over time, this work enables individuals to grow toward their highest, truest selves and strengthen their own intuition.

For over a decade, tarot has been my favorite tool for self-inquiry and spiritual practice. Over years of study, reading with others, and personal practice, and doing this while studying clinical psychology and working as a psychotherapist, I have worked out my own interpretation of each card and a unique approach to reading that marries psychology and esotericism.

While this offering is not psychotherapy or a replacement for it, my approach to tarot is informed by Jungian psychology and dream work; psychodynamic, narrative, and creative arts therapy; Western astrology; and the arts.

My primary aim in this work is to help my clients feel seen, supported, inspired, and loved wherever they are in their self-healing process.

Therapeutic Tarot Is…

  • Collaborative

    You are the primary source of wisdom in these sessions. While I will tell you what I know about the cards' archetypal and esoteric meanings and their connection to concepts in psychology, what is most important is what the cards bring up in you.

  • Creative

    The ritual of tarot is innately creative. Together we interpret metaphysical symbols and figure out how they might relate your life. Engaging in this work can spark your creative fire. Where will you channel that energy?

  • Mysterious

    While therapeutic tarot sessions are not predictive, tarot by its very nature operates with a bit of magic (in my opinion). This is the magic of synchronicity: meaningful coincidences that suggest an underlying connection between our inner experiences and the external world and provide insight or affirmation in a symbolic, intuitive way.

  • Supportive

    Above all, my hope is that you leave session feeling that you received some of the care, love, support, and deep listening that you deserve. It is my honor and joy that you are sharing your trust, your story, and your wisdom with me.


  • No. Therapeutic tarot is not psychotherapy or a substitution for it. While I am a licensed therapist, in therapeutic tarot sessions I am not acting as a therapist. Therapeutic tarot work can be deep, psychological, and healing, however, it does not involve diagnosis, medical treatment or advice, or implementation of a mental health treatment plan. Therapeutic tarot can, in fact, be a wonderful supplement to psychotherapy. Please reach out if you have any questions about this distinction.

  • Therapeutic tarot is best engaged with when you are in a stable state and feeling ready to engage with your psyche in a creative, intuitive, and deep way. Some of the imagery in the cards can be unsettling, as such, therapeutic tarot is contraindicated for those who are prone to intense fear or paranoia. Therapeutic tarot is also not suited for situations in which one is eagerly or urgently seeking an answer to a specific question. Therapeutic tarot is not suited to those who are currently in acute crisis (suicidal thoughts, thoughts of self-harm, in imminent danger, experiencing a break from reality) or altered states (actively on mind-altering substances).

    Rarely, there are situations in which I will discontinue therapeutic tarot sessions for someone because I do not think it is a safe fit for them at this time.

  • No, I do not take insurance and because therapeutic tarot is not psychotherapy I cannot provide super bills either. If you are interested in this work but it's feeling outside of your budget, please let me know! Sliding scale options are available.